Perilous World Radio 06/26/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David are joined once again by Mike Jones. They discuss how the Black Lives Matter group says that if the US doesn’t give us what we want, we will burn down this system. Mike says that violence only works against timid people. They talk about Robin […]
Perilous World Radio 06/25/20
Perilous World Radio 06/25/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David discuss the fact it wasn’t a noose found in a NASCAR driver’s garage stall. They talk about how everyone right now is immediately linking everything to racism before stopping to think if it really is racist or not. Alan talks about how we all need […]
Perilous World Radio 06/24/20
Perilous World Radio 06/24/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David are joined once again by Pat Kelly. They talk about how Shaun King wants all white Jesus statues to be destroyed. They talk about how a noose was found in a NASCAR driver’s garage stall and whether or not it was planted for attention or […]
Perilous World Radio 06/23/20
Perilous World Radio 06/23/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David discuss how the media is mocking President Trump and about President Trump’s recent rally in Tulsa. Also about mail-in voting and how it opens things up for voting fraud. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our […]
Perilous World Radio 06/22/20
Perilous World Radio 06/22/20 06/22/20 – Hour 1 – Alan and David discuss how Alan just had a birthday – he is looking back at his life and realized that we are living in one of the most perilous times he has ever witnessed. They talk about how we all need to investigate things that […]
Perilous World Radio 06/19/20
Perilous World Radio 06/19/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David are joined once again by Mike Jones. They talk about some clips from Terry Crews where he talks about how we need to get rid of white supremacy but without causing there to become black supremacy in its place. They talk about the Kente scarf […]
Perilous World Radio 06/18/20
Perilous World Radio 06/18/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David discuss how sometimes good changes come from tragic events and they hope that some police policies will be changed after George Floyde’s death. They explore how parents aren’t teaching their kids to be individuals or self reliant anymore and that kids are being bullied online […]
Perilous World Radio 06/17/20
Perilous World Radio 06/17/20 Hour 1 – David and Pat Kelly host today’s show. They discuss what the word freedom means and about the madness of defunding the police. They discuss how it was legal for the southern states to succeed from the Union which was a cause of the civil war. They talk about […]
Perilous World Radio 06/16/20
Perilous World Radio 06/16/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David talk about their father’s book Hypnotic States of Americans and how we all need to read this book because a good sized group of people in our country are hypnotized by the media. They talk about Seattle and the various responses that are happening due […]
Perilous World Radio 06/15/20
Perilous World Radio 06/15/20 Hour 1 – Alan and David discuss how our phones are constantly monitoring everything we are doing and how certain companies make big money off of this information. They then talk about how the Black Lives Matters group is trying to force everyone to bow down and do what they say, […]