Roy Masters
Unless man has a champion, real or unreal, he has no hope, real or unreal. If all were as it were supposed to be, we would never need champions at all. But because all is not as it should be, we do need some kind of savior. There is a champion for real salvation.
Because we know this intuitively, our conscience will not let us rest until we find out what the false savior is doing to us. The false salvation saves the fool from the humiliation of knowing that he needs salvation at all: he puts his trust in science, religion and a can of beer!
The words in this text are leading you slowly toward meaningful discovery, your conscious mind is awakened along the way as I point out the secret road, the one that leads you to know your true Champion intimately.
As I have said, our Champion must, of necessity, be a man (to identify with), a man of grace and power to contend with evil and not fail as Adam did, and so redeem us from what Adam, by his failing, bequeathed us.
In order to be able to resist temptation in any shape or form, our champion must come into the world sired by God’s Divine Sperm. Only such a man is qualified to fight the dragons of evil and master them, and only then can we, the crowd, cheer and properly identify with Him, and thus be freed from the evil identity and authority we inherited, and could never hope to destroy.
(The best we could do was to agree with what it did to us as if it were our own idea. Like the typical fool who claims he could stop smoking if he wanted to (he can’t), showing agreement with the vice to “prove” that smoking is his own idea.)
Evil can only be conquered by not reacting to evil’s claims and pressures (cruelty). But how can we, born of the lineage of original sin, claim such a victory?
"When the man of God is tested and stands firm under trial, he is not defeated; by not yielding to temptation, he shows the world the Spirit of his Master"
We have always reacted wrongly to temptation and pressure, we have never known holy ground from which to resist. To react once is to react twice; to fail once is to fail twice, yea, more easily a third time; to struggle without God’s Identity in us is to be more hopelessly involved, to sink deeper into the mire of despair.
We are born proud (in sin), and because of that “something missing” we are claimed at birth. The identity of original sin passes on to us, and if we ever “helped” any soul, it was only as a false champion. People rooted for us (misplaced support), and in return we made them feel good—but our talent and strength rose up from their weakness—we were only a tempter from a long line of tempters, playing the role of savior.
Our true champion must be of virgin birth, seeded by the overshadowing of God’s Holy Spirit. Man born of human seed cannot be a true champion because he is a slave of sin from the start; a man such as this cannot lead us to True Salvation.
The devil shows fallen men (closest to Hell) how to compensate, to glorify their fallen natures, to cause others to continue to believe in the greatness of man, and to share their (apparent) glory with other buddy egos (taking the power of the world’s masses in the process and leading them all to hell).
When the man of God is tested and stands firm under trial, he is not defeated; by not yielding to temptation, he shows the world the Spirit of his master; and by contrast, he destroys by unfailing Light the power of evil and darkness.
If we could recognize Him (now within us) He could become our (new) Lord and Master; but if through pride we doubt and reject Him, we remain in bondage to the wicked one of old, with no hope for us until we change.
Adam would have had power over evil had he not been so proud, but in believing that he could be God, he responded to the promptings of Satan. So through one man, sin and the entire (corrupt) human race sprang into existence; but through another man’s gracious spirit, and through our admission of sin, repentance of pride, sin goes out of existence and God’s perfect justice and purpose proved and fulfilled.