Rebel, Rebel

Roy Masters

Hatred always divides the populace into evil groups which evolve one another: those which rebel against and those which conform to the object of hate. Be careful about my meaning here. I am not implying that we should be passive in the sense that we say, “Ho hum,” hoping that wickedness will go away.

What I am saying is that we must learn how to deal strongly with phoniness and wickedness, with a special non-violent force that is not born of hate. Hate is the reaction of obedience to evil which puts the tempter’s purpose within you.

If this be truth, you cannot afford to allow yourself to luxuriate in that emotion. You must find the opposite kind of obedience (obedience to what is right) which will draw to you patience and love with which to meet stress.

It is through resentment that you become like the mother you hate, whether you can see it or not. As a male, you can get so close to your mother that you become a homosexual. As a female, you can become the impatient, man-teasing bitch your mother used to be.

Or you might police yourself to avoid being as pushy and manly as your mother. In rebellion against the spirit of the mannish, dominating tyrant-momma, you play the submissive feminine role to a weak male, hoping that by helping him to feel like more of a man you will assume the identity of a woman.

But what happens? That form of submission becomes tantamount to conquest. You discover to your horror that this was precisely how your mother got your father! This same principle operates in democracies, with the government playing the seductive, momma/female role.

Running away from his dominating mother and his weak (or rebellious, violent) father, a man seeks the support of a slinky female who surrenders (apparently conceding to his authority). Every corrupted person is drawn to wickedness like a fly to dung; he must have what violated him to love and to hate.

"The masses, with few individual exceptions, are under an unconscious compulsion to elect (marry) a government that serves their egos."

What you see in marriage is what invariably occurs in free elections where the people are supposed to elect their “loving” leaders. Remember again the Satan principle: who made you what you are, loves you just as you are.

You marry a woman who supports you against the dominance of your mother (or a former wife), and she turns out to be another tyrant! You stop smoking only to start overeating, and you are a slave either way.

The masses, with few individual exceptions, are under an unconscious compulsion to elect (marry) a government that serves their egos. Alas, by serving, a seductive government mothers the people and gains ascendency over their minds and lives.

Coming to the rescue of the people it cripples, government weakens them even more, so that they have an ever-greater need for the services of the momma-politicians (for which they pay through the nose).

The growing demands of a “loving” government on the people’s paycheck is like a demanding wife with her husband, and it has the same effect on the nation.

Some “husbands” rebel; others drive themselves harder to please their god, who is never satisfied; others defect and change sides.

In a situation like this, it is not long before loyal workers start having nervous breakdowns, and in one way or another they rebel against the burden of taxation to pay for the welfare of the criminals and dropouts.

Incentive leaves them. Productivity sags. With a diminishing tax base, the government is forced to print money to keep up the “benefits” and to buy votes, desperately trying to hold its power. And you know the rest of the story...