Roy Masters
Life’s experiences are like many doors. Each door seems to offer happiness, advantages and adventure. It seems so right as you enter, but then the door closes behind you and you are trapped.
You are afraid to go back, so on you go to the next door and the next; and the last doorway is death, with hell beyond.
What I am trying to say is that most (not all) leader-types are social psychopaths who bleed and exploit the masses from behind a personality mask of respectability. And the great majority revel in that phoniness.
Through science, politics, religion, education and medicine, psychopaths have appeared to give you solutions to the problem of sin, to restore your lost dignity, but all the while they are really eating you alive. They are the ushers at those doors.
Lurking in all republics and democracies are treacherous forces, which exist to demoralize the citizens into tearing down the system. But when they do, those forces are still there, unmasked.
In every war against injustice, the better cause eventually wins out, but then, strangely, it evolves the next tyrannical system that must be brought down.
Soldiers come home with the identity of the enemy they fought alive and well in them. Without realizing it, they have brought it home to infect their families, friends and coworkers.
The enemy, you see, is not a person. It is a spirit. For instance, a wicked man can tempt you to kill him (and perhaps give you good cause to). But if you do so out of anger, you find to your horror that you have become infected with the very evil that you thought you had destroyed.
There it is, alive and well, mocking from its new home in you—and now you are the new tyrant.
The same principle holds true in society. Castro, who came in as a liberator, himself became a dictator as bad as the tyrant he had vanquished. When the Russian Orthodox Church became the instrument of the wickedness it despised in doctrine, Communism brought the Church down.
Look at what has become of Communism now!
"Be a hero for your child... so they can be inspired by you. Let them know that life is full of endless opportunities, not endless dead ends."
Here in America and in England also, we find conditions similar to those that prevailed in pre-war Germany before Hitler took power, while Germany and perhaps Japan now enjoy our former position. A more detailed look at this puzzle will follow.
There are many variations of this principle of becoming like the evil you hate—or admire. You can begin to admire the enemy you once hated, because so much of him (or her) got inside you.
Governments and the media fail to realize what they do by upsetting and gingering us up against an enemy like Naziism or the North Vietnamese.
Our reactions tend to make us over in the image of the hated enemy and soon we see atrocities in our own homes. I am very sure the Communists are using this principle to destroy us
Threats, intrigues and atrocities, eagerly reported by sensation-seeking media, make us fighting mad. By this means, our enemies are able to use our own system to plant the seeds of Communism (or any ism) in the American mind.
Believe it or not, many enemy sympathizers have already been created in precisely this fashion.
Hatred always divides the populace into evil groups which evolve one another: those which rebel against and those which conform to the object of hate. Be careful about my meaning here. I am not implying that we should be passive in the sense that we say,
“Ho hum,” hoping that wickedness will go away. What I am saying is that we must learn how to deal strongly with phoniness and wickedness, with a special non-violent force that is not born of hate.
Hate is the reaction of obedience to evil which puts the tempter’s purpose within you. If this be truth, you cannot afford to allow yourself to luxuriate in that emotion.
You must find the opposite kind of obedience (obedience to what is right) which will draw to you patience and love with which to meet stress.