Kiss Of Death

Roy Masters

 A man’s claim to “love” arises from one central need: the need to remain asleep to the Truth. He is a veritable drug addict, dependent on Eve, “the pusher,” his source of supply. When a vain woman sees his ego helplessness and his strong back—well, “the pusher” sees that she has a “pushover” and she gives him the needle.

His sexual overeagerness betrays his spiritual weakness, and his spiritual weakness is just what she needs to make her dreams come true and give security to her failing as an uncorrected person. 

That is a fairly clear picture, at last, of the way ambitious women look at ambitious men. They cheer the men on from the sidelines while the men go out and do the dirty work ambition demands of them.

The women derive a great feeling of security from this arrangement, and they feel like queens as they bless their subjects and nod their approval. They are the aristocracy, and the men are the peasants who serve them in the fields and on the battlegrounds, bringing back the fruits of their labor and the spoils of war and placing them in their lily white hands.

For this, the men are dubbed “super patriots,” which, freely translated, means “demented nothings who will do anything at all to be considered important somethings.” 

But just let something go wrong or get out of hand, and the adoring subject does a “double take.” Suddenly, the beautiful queen becomes the wicked queen and gets all the blame. Little children are especially familiar with this type of relationship.

Their friends are great pals while they are providing them with the motivation to do something naughty, but if they get caught in the act, they put all the blame on the erstwhile friend. “It’s all his fault; he made me do it,” they scream. 

"A man’s claim to 'love' arises from one central need: the need to remain asleep to the Truth."

Of course, it does take two to tango. Eve didn’t hand Adam the fruit of desire (ambition) because she thought it would be good for his health, but Adam “bit” because he interpreted her act as a form of consideration for the condition of his soul.

In other words, he had already tempted her in a subtle way to light a fire under him. He did not correct her when she did, and she knew that he would not. She knew he wanted and needed to bite into the apple when she offered it to him.

And to this very day men tempt women to tempt them by signaling their animal needs, except that now they do it to maintain (not to originate) their pride. Like Snow White, Adam fell asleep as a result of the evil queen’s charms, and his sons, having inherited his stupor, will sleep on until they are awakened by Love’s first kiss.

There is quite a difference between the kiss of love and the kiss of death, or eternal sleep, the one that is most familiar to us. 

When the first man fell from Love, he literally lost control over his mind and body. The woman, on the other hand, gained power through the increased physical influence of her attractive body. The guileful woman is instinctively aware of this power and makes the utmost use of it.

If man were sufficiently awake and aware to see how the woman is using sex to control him, he would be literally turned off by her ugliness and her antics, but as long as he needs woman’s support for his ego, the last thing he wants to be is awake and aware, so he tacitly insists that she continue to play her quiet little games with him and never drop the bomb of an honest word that would shatter the serenity of his “slumber room.” 

And yet, though man appears to give woman the upper hand by insisting that she keep pulling the wool over his eyes, she would do well to remember that the pride she feeds as a puppy will grow into a vicious dog that will not hesitate to bite the hand that feeds it.