Fantastic Pride

Roy Masters

Men, in their fantastic pride, elect all kinds of saints and gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from them.

We have a term for it; hero worship! Idolatry is what it really is, but it also happens to represent in reverse (worshipping the real God in humility) the fundamental principle of salvation.

The problem with this false salvation is that the hero with whom we identify is only a “projection” of ourselves, (devolutionary absorption, actually); he is an extension of the fallen human race, born of the lineage of sin and as a leader he is a bigger sinner than all of us put together.

He has the same corrupt identity we have, except that he has compensated for his misery, unhappiness and failings in “high style” fashioned from the strength we continue to give him.

The composer’s mind is rarely divinely inspired, he simply answers to the need of the people for distraction from their pain. His “creative” genius dramatizes that need, in our mind it seems that he plays for us, as though we created him to glorify us!

The medical researcher fills the same need, and his genius is related to our need for him to discover cures for us. He appears to fill the void of our absent health. How we love them and root for them; lo and behold! They uncover a cure or a melody.

The power we give our leaders (inspired through unholy need) “creates” (lesser) gods, geniuses of the arts and sciences, with whom the masses identify; they in turn feel responsible for (and better than) their “creations.” When the people erect plaques and statues to their “leaders’” honor, they unconsciously do homage to themselves.

The masses are always being saved by the greater “miracles” (traditions) they “grow” to need as they “grow” more degenerate. The truth is, were man truly what he should be, he would need none of these things. Instead he would have a proper relationship with his maker.

Our hero (proud achiever) following the order of pride, could be an artist, a composer, a vocalist, or the mafia. Because of their fantastic pride, these people suffer much torment, so they have reached beyond themselves (to Satan’s guidance) to develop the skills and talents needed to more perfectly soothe the guilt of their own pride, with wit, song and art and offer the fruits of their wisdom to the masses—and the people “love” them for it.

Many a doctor has risen above his inferiority by great medical achievements, sometimes because of a personal terror of germs, or perhaps of an empathy with people from whom he seeks ego support (sharing the pain of the suffering through identity).

The power of his hellish genius issues from the need of the people, and as the extension and mind of the people he often feels what the people feel. As he relieves the sickness and pain of the vain masses, he also loses the awareness of his own suffering via the praise and power he receives; but in curing us he also inspires us towards greater error and suffering because of his cures, and so he is forever busy becoming even greater.

"All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default"

The “famous” are really not much different from the infamous. The famous and glorified inspire us towards hypocrisy, vain achievements, false righteousness and developing meaningless talents as if they were meaningful.

On the other hand, infamous men, rebels, champions of degeneracy, inspire people to believe that their vulgarities and faults are realities and virtues of our true natures, thus in “saving” them from the awareness of shame, they also relieve them of guilt.

No! A real champion can never come from man’s seed to answer to that kind of need. He must be of a different order of man; he could not come into being by man’s lineage of original sin. He would have to come by virgin birth, born of woman overshadowed by the Spirit to conceive One not subject to and a slave of temptation (like us) from the very moment of our birth.

All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default. As Adam’s seeds we are all born inferior to the psychopathic forces of error that precede us. We are brainwashed by custom and culture, confused, lost, full of guilt and our own rationale.

Man born of woman is inferior to evil through women and his heritage; as fallen men we have never had power, grace or understanding to deal with any of our problems and complexes. Whatever feeble efforts we made to fight the system only made us helpless cripples.

Unless man has a champion, real or unreal, he has no hope, real or unreal. If all were as it were supposed to be, we would never need champions at all. But because all is not as it should be, we do need some kind of savior. There is a champion for real salvation.

Because we know this intuitively, our conscience will not let us rest until we find out what the false savior is doing to us. The false salvation saves the fool from the humiliation of knowing that he needs salvation at all: he puts his trust in science, religion and a can of beer!

The words in this text are leading you slowly toward meaningful discovery, your conscious mind is awakened along the way as I point out the secret road, the one that leads you to know your true Champion intimately. As I have said, our Champion must, of necessity, be a man (to identify with), a man of grace and power to contend with evil and not fail as Adam did, and so redeem us from what Adam, by his failing, bequeathed us.