Roy Masters
Man, as we know him today, had an origin. Cultures and political systems have origins, too. But suppose the origins of man and of culture were both due to a fall.
Then the man fallen into this system will be under its spell, its hypnotic influence—in Biblical language, a curse. “All who sin are slaves” to whatever or whoever seduces them away from reason. Hypnotized, we fall asleep to our former way, “awakening” under the system that spirited us there.
No matter how low we sink, we all excuse away what we are as we “awaken” to what we have become. Strangely, the very system or person who made us what we are is the one we elect to love us as we are. Our election of that type is compulsive and slavish.
Those people are psychopaths—literally, without conscience; we, the people, are the psychotics who “use” psychopaths to keep us asleep to our faults.
Somewhere at the beginning of the history of people and “their” systems, there were those who possessed real seductive power, who delegated authority to their own kind. They transferred or passed on this authority to others who dressed, spoke, acted and thought in the ways which would be recognized as acceptable by the hypnotized masses in that system.
Ambitious people (budding psychopaths) are always struggling for this power. But in their ignorance, many educate themselves to behave in the acceptable manner instead of discovering the original secret of power itself. This is the reason why ambitious people prostitute themselves.
They are driven to spend their lives studying, struggling to get to the top, to the place where the power can be transferred to them. But, unfortunately for them, few of those unprincipled eager beavers have any real power of their own—even when they get there.
Little wonder why such (pseudo) authorities are threatened at the core of their being by the unearthing of the principles by which all sick systems originated.
Please note the difference between culture and true civilization. What we have today is culture, man having fallen away from reality and real civilization. A back-to-front, upside down social order exists, with seducers as our heroes and gods.
"'All who sin are slaves' to whatever or whoever seduces them away from reason. Hypnotized, we fall asleep to our former way"
There are two basic methods by which a leader’s power can be taken away from him or her:
1) A more perfect psychopath with total knowledge of hypnotism can rise and take the power away from the elected officials of any nation, or
2) A more perfect man, graced with understanding, can simply awaken the masses from their trance state.
Therefore, psychopathic political, academic and medical leaders fear those who can awaken them from the hypnotic curse by the truth, which would make them free.
World leaders are very insecure on their wobbly thrones. A great majority are ambitious fools, emotionally and intellectually drunk on a sense of importance which they have either inherited or gained by being elected. And like the actors they are, they must continually improve their performance to be acceptable to the dreamers who are compelled to elect them.
Psychotics (the people) will respond to psychopaths if their inherited brainwashing recognizes the transference in the psychopath’s authority and if he makes the right sorts of noises and moves to please their egos.
Those blind leaders of the blind never seem to fully understand the power they have. Like seductive females, their power is gained by default—they have a combination of inherited power and a dash of seductive instinct which shows them how to dress and move.
It is a shallow, meaningless existence where learning is only superficial. Do you see what I mean? A “dumb blonde” discovers exciting power by simply wiggling her torso. She does not understand her heritage of power. All she need do for gain is to vary her wiggle theme more effectively.
“Great” men do not necessarily have to be bright; they need only discover people’s weaknesses and “wiggle” for their delight. In this role-playing there is no original power at all; one only need discover weaknesses and play up to them.
Dropouts on the ladder of social achievement, be they dope pushers, con artists or cult leaders, work with only bits and pieces of an original seductive theme to keep their followers pacified and obedient for the sake of their sense of power.
More highly sophisticated psychopaths scan their victims very carefully, detecting the whole range of needs, desires and weaknesses, before they close in with their scam.