Perilous World Radio 07/01/24

Are You Authentic?

The electrifying duo, Alan and Jan Masters, are back as hosts for today’s thrilling Perilous World Radio show! Alan is eager to delve into the topic of authenticity and how to distinguish between genuine individuals who are comfortable in their own skin and the numerous counterfeits that populate our world. But remember, this discussion is not just about us. Your thoughts and experiences are equally important in this journey of understanding authenticity.

Alan shares that his father, Roy Masters, played a crucial role in shaping his perspective and being an authentic person in his life. Roy had an extraordinary talent for truly understanding individuals, perhaps honed through years of meticulously crafting diamonds. He had an innate ability to differentiate between authenticity and imitation. Life’s experiences and skills transcended him and influenced his insightful approach, which eventually led to the creation of the Foundation of Human Understanding.

So, how can you distinguish the real from the fake? Tap into your intuition, says Alan – it's a gift from a higher power. Jan shares that embracing the truth is essential for forging a deep spiritual connection and discerning between the two.

So what are you waiting for, hit the play button and enjoy the show!


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