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Why are women attracted to weak or abusive men?
Why do men use sex to degrade women?
Why do people become homosexuals?
What is the real cause of child abuse?
What is the reason for marital infidelity?
Why do men and women change roles?
Why do you feel guilty after sex?
In this powerful volume, Roy Masters’ message is loud and clear; man is pathetically subject to external pressures, a whimpering slave to outer direction, a pig sloshing his life away in a dung heap of emotionalism. All the while arrogantly proclaiming his mastery over body and mind, strutting pridefully in the parade to Hell.
If we are ever to arrive at the final solution to our most pressing problem, the author of Understanding Sexuality: The Mystery of Our Lost Identities tells us that we must awaken from a lifelong stupor. He wants us to open our eyes and to see that there’s an evil something that has an overwhelming appeal to our ego, a certain ghastly something that makes us feel helpless in the face of temptation; something that makes us think it is we who choose to commit adultery or become an alcoholic or a drug addict.
Make no mistake, the price of awareness is not inexpensive. It can only be paid in a currency the Soul understands: right intent. That is, a sincere longing to do the right thing in every situation, no matter how costly or ego-deflating, just because it is the right thing to do and not because it’s going to make us look or feel good.
This brings us, once again, to that little old three-letter word that has fascinated, frightened and ruled mankind with a cast-iron grip ever since Adam left the Garden. Of course, we’re referring to sex. Surely, nothing can make a weak and thoroughly wrong male feel more powerful and securely right in his wrongness than a heated sexual encounter with an accommodating partner.
How we have applauded this self-deception? Cleverly we camouflaged our weakness with yet another word that enabled us to justify our actions. Love . . . it’s what makes the world go round, we loudly boast. And round and round we went, trapped in a vicious circle and unable to break free because up till now, nobody had the courage or clarity to “blow the whistle” on this deadly farce.
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