Roy Masters from 'How To Be At Peace with Your Problems'
There are two main principles of life. First, the principle of evolution; that is, the expression and expansion of all life through time and space from ONE basic stuff.
The second principle is INvolution; that is, like going home again.
To illustrate, when we respond to the external world with reflex reactions such as anger, fear and resentment, then we tend to evolve into a greater problem complex.
For example, I offend you; you become upset, and triggered by my original error; you in turn offend me. Now triggered by your evolved anger, I become more upset and hurt you again.
We observe that by reacting AGAINST the problem, we evolve to become a greater problem, and any other people we might overcome will be caused to react and evolve to become a greater problem to us.
If we do not find the Involution-Principle, we shall never find rest. The goal of evolution is COMPLEXITY of form and function - man being the FINAL object. To complete the cycle, man must turn INward and cease going outward toward mutation.
Simply by cutting off the emotional reaction against the threat, we disable this restless process which wars against our soul.
To reiterate, when we become upset, we are evolving AWAY from the completion to the spiritual dimension.
Mankind is observed frantically struggling to cut off his emotional reaction to external pressure in very foolish ways. Except through the process of INvolution that has been prepared for us, there is NO WAY to do this without severing our life-line with nature and life.
In other words, if the animal cuts off his relationship with the stimulating feelings of life, he would die - if WE cut off our relativity to nature, to overcome our reactions and fears without replacing them with a new energy stimulation, we would also decay.
"If we do not find the Involution-Principle, we shall never find rest."
Man, without a NEW relationship, finds only an unsatisfactory one-sided relationship with Mother Nature - that emotional stimulation that he needs, yet prods him away from purpose.
This process is perfectly healthy for animals, who can never hope to become more than part of the evolutionary process. Man should aspire to be someday MORE than an evolving, changing beast.
Unfortunately, each man is strangely tempted to stay on top of creation; being beneath nothing.
His EGO refuses to acknowledge higher principles beyond his mind. Even though he may give pious lip-service to a belief in God, he is like a neurotic husband who feels guilty for the secret hatred of his wife, and compensates for this by vehemently championing her cause.
So man, feeling guilty about higher Principles he has secretly denied, will often fight for and KILL for a god he doesn’t understand. “These people honor me with their mouth, but their hearts are far from me,” said the Master.
When things go wrong and diseases, war and famine are let loose upon the world, because of HIS secret folly, man groans and complains.
He begins to wonder if there is such a thing as God for allowing all that trouble to flourish. He may even be glad, in his condemnation of the higher Principles, so that he can cling to his original desire to be the ego supreme in his little universe.
Thus cut off from the involvement with invisible essentials, he is thrust into life without protection from the reactions that will lead, him AWAY from completion, toward mutation, FEAR and WAR.