The Light Of Reality

Roy Masters

A drink often has a clearing effect on the mind, but the person who is dependent on a drink for this effect is not able to handle what he sees, so he only becomes more upset than he was before.

He drinks to clear his mind, and then what he sees inspires so much resentment and fear in him that he has to go on drinking until everything gets comfortably fuzzy again. Drugs often produce this same effect.

There is, of course, a real detachment, one that is not created or supported by drugs. It is the detachment that comes from the conscious embrace of the presence within us that we know presently as “conscience.”

Only a sincere heart, a true seeker, is capable of this embrace that lifts us to the higher levels of our own consciousness and enables us to see by the light of reality.

In that light we experience an infusion of life that precludes our being able to develop a need for drugs or any other artificial catalyst. The true desire of the seeker calls mystically for the indwelling strength that is available to every person when he is ready to avail himself of it.

Drugs on the other hand offer an escape from that inner self to the ego that cannot bear to face the truth of it. For it’s true that the first truth we see is the truth that outlines our folly and exposes our past failings to our own eyes.

We see that all our escapes have been engineered by the high priest of outer (environmental) evil and his apostles of the dark light.

"Only a sincere heart, a true seeker, is capable of this embrace that lifts us to the higher levels of our own consciousness and enables us to see by the light of reality."

The shock of contact with the inner self produces a subtle chemical change in the body and leaves behind in us something that we come to know as fulfillment.

On the surface, the effect is similar to the drug experience, but it is actually quite different in that it is not dependent upon a drug, a synthetic, but upon a genuine inner experience that clears the mind and enables us to deal with problems correctly, with the courage of our own convictions and character.

This inner experience not only clears your mind, but it calms and stabilizes your emotions. You see immediately that in order to function as a human being you must not allow yourself to be tempted to do what is unwise in the light of reason, or to become upset.

In time, the simple knowing of this fact gives it authority in your life—you discover that you are actually meeting stress without becoming upset, and that not being upset is a joy, and that this calm joy enables you to deal effectively with all kinds of pressure.

(People who deal in corruption always tell you that it’s right to be emotional and ambitious, because when you are emotional and ambitious you are easy prey for them.)

The user of drugs claims to experience reality, but if his claim were true he would then be released from the need for drug experiences. The true experience of reality within himself would imbue him with all he needs as a self-contained person.

If a man needs drugs to know reality, what kind of man does that make him? God preserve us from the “reality” that makes itself available to us only through a drug!