Roy Masters
Nostalgia and reminiscing are part of the egocentric life as well. Memories sustain the sick ego through the reinforcement of photos, romantic music, and old treasures. Such is the pitiful glue that holds the fallen nature together!
In the first part of our lives, when the ego is developing through corruption, we grow and compensate (fail). But the second phase is devoted to escaping into the tease of memory.
We are consumed by the spirit which slipped inside while we fondled the spirit of memory, preoccupied with our selfish pursuits, pleasures, and distractions.
The egocentric adventuring away from reality is part and parcel of experiencing life and growing up. But when that growth begins to be revealed for what it is by the “enemy” of conscience, we then escape by fondling the past (people, places, and things), letting them re-arouse us in our minds as they once did in fact.
We escape reality by going further and further back, reexperiencing childhood memories, familiar incidents, and people who made us what we are.
Memory, you see, houses the spirit of our failing; it can just as well be fondled in fantasy as in fact. When it is clear that there is no more future, then all that is left for us is the reliving of the past. Our stubbornness or ignorance compels us to escape from the ever-present.
First we grow and live from knowledge, and then we die to knowledge. Deceit brings us into existence and then, after it has done its thing through us, it kills us.
We die fondling romantic lies that re-arouse the sensuous nature, and we milk those old love-hate feelings and thoughts for all they are worth in order to forget what old and miserable failures we have become.
Our egocentric lives evolve through the experiences triggered by deceitful words and feelings in fact and fantasy.
"deep within the mind there is another holy kind of pressure seeking expression. If you love what is right, you are seeking this pressure."
As an ambitious person, you will not listen to your conscience. You need those who understand what you want, who will free you with lies.
There is a relationship between the failure to hold fast to what you know is right and the compulsive response to feeling and pressure. Not wanting what is right, or not being sure of what is right, you do not have the strength, the ground, to resist temptation.
If you cannot resist verbal assault, neither can you resist its pressure. In your fallen state, the appeal of the serpent is stronger than your common sense; you are a slave of the system through feeling.
Once the bond of energy with the source of life has been broken, the world rushes in and molds you to its design; you become subject to its pressure, which makes you feel, and feeling, which makes you think.
But deep within the mind there is another holy kind of pressure seeking expression. If you love what is right, you are seeking this pressure. You need to yield to this pressure of conscience so that you can flower in the Light.
Unwholesome pressure exists only in the subjective state. If you are not subject to one pressure, you will be subject to the other.
An emotional bond exists between the tease/pressure source and the sinner—much like the bond which ought to exist between man and his Creator. Through this feeling bond of sin pass the destructive energies and ideas which we believe originate within us.
We become highly suggestible without realizing it, and we act on those impulses only because we are deceived into thinking that the thoughts are our own.