New Edition
Secrets Of A Parallel Universe
The notion of a parallel universe has intrigued the human mind for millennia.
This book, however, is not about science fiction. It is about real life.
The world’s great religions all speak of a higher paradisiacal state that most human beings seek. But is it necessary to cloister oneself in a monastery, or sit at the feet of an Indian guru or self-styled New Age trance-channeler to find true happiness?
“No!” says internationally known stress expert Roy Masters, who in this stunning book distills some of the deepest wisdom of the Judeo-Christian tradition and propels it into the 21st Century. His message: Face your other self.
With penetrating insight into the root-cause of most all problems, Masters builds his case like a skilled detective and strikes at the jugular vein of misery by meeting each new moment with awareness, patience, minus the same old angry upset, and compulsive responses learned in childhood and that alone will effortlessly resolve all the traumas of the past, and forge a blessed future.
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