Khaboris Manuscript Audio Download – Part 6
In April of 1954, a manuscript of the New Testament in the Aramaic language was first shown to the public in America.
On that day, at the President’s request the Yonan Codex was presented at the White House to President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.
After their examination, it was then transported to the Library of Congress for display. In an emotion-packed unveiling, a panel of speakers headed by the Secretary of State gave tribute in an impressive ceremony.
The Khaboris Manuscript is an enlightening translation of the 4th century manuscript written in Aramaic, the original language of Jesus Christ.
This is an inspiring collection of excerpts from the New Testament, compiled and carefully presented with the modern Christian in mind.
- The Meaning of Words
- Sermon on the Mount – Pt 1
- Sermon on the Mount – Pt 2
- Going Beyond Words
- A Heavenly Attitude
- The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
- Taking Up Your Cross
- More Meaning of Words
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