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The most important book you will ever read!
America is asleep. But what kind of sleep could keep us walking around half awake?
Without awareness of how hypnotic influence works and of how to counter and reduce its influence in oneself and others, even people living in supposedly free societies will become increasingly enslaved to influences largely invisible to them — while simultaneously being hypnotized to regard themselves as free and in charge of their own lives. This book shows you how to recognize hypnotic influences and free yourself and others from them.
“A spiritual survival manual for every American family living in a perilous world.”
“This book is a survival manual, leading you step by step towards becoming free from the subconscious pressures of your life. Beyond Socrates, beyond Freud, Roy Masters brings you face to face with the reality of your own being. Will you dare to see the truth?”
– Teresa Bahder, Clinical Psychologist
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