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I know what you want. You want relief from your nervous tension and guilt feelings. You want solutions to your family problems and sex problems. You want to stop smoking, drinking and overeating. You want happiness. But you’ll never find what you are seeking until you discover the hidden cause of your trouble, and that cause is allowing people to upset you too easily.
Your main line of defense is to stay calm and patient. I’ll show you how to put up an impenetrable, invisible force shield of patience that lets the good come through, but stops the ugliness in the world from getting inside you and controlling your life. — Roy Masters
What is the real cause of unhappiness, and what is the cure?
Few people have the courage or insight to see the truth behind our suffering: chronic negative emotions.
Too often, we wake up one day and realize unhappily that we dont know who we are. We realize that life is slowly wearing us down, one step at a time, and painfully face the fact that we simply dont know how we lost ourselves, or more importantly, how we can find ourselves once again.
The cause for this, as Masters explains, is simple: fear, guilt, anxiety, despair, tension, confusion, and other emotional reactions exert a powerful and cumulative hypnotic spell. In this spell, we lose our true selves in a maze of hazy, unseen forces – often never to be found again. We painfully realize that we are simply unhappy – and have no idea why, how we lost our peace of mind, or what we can do to become happy again.
Roy Masters knows – the cause . . . and the cure. The remedy to unhappiness, once understood, is simple but profound: know your real self – and Roy shows you how. In this powerfully effective and practical book, he explains the simple remedy which strikes the cause of unhappiness at the root.
This book can save lives, and can save you from spending thousands on drugs or years in therapy. The principles in this book, uniquely suited for modern times – yet rooted in the wisdom of the ages – have dramatically transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands already.
Previously titled: How To Control Negative Emotions and How to Control Emotions
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