Perilous World Radio 04/12/24


Today is a special day as it's Friday and the hosts for the Perilous World Radio show are Alan and Jan Masters. During the show, Alan shares some inspiring quotes such as "My intuition is so strong that I not only know who I am, but I also know who you are, too" by an anonymous author, and "Concentrate on every minute on doing what's in front of you" by Marcus Aurelius.

Throughout the show, Alan and Jan discuss the importance of having moments of insight, also known as "aha moments", where you learn something new that can be applied to your life, making it more fulfilling and meaningful. Alan also quotes Julius Caesar, who once said that it is easier to find men who will volunteer to die than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience, reminding us that true strength lies in perseverance.

Jan reads from, “Ambition, Pressure, Suffering” by Roy Masters, “When you wait patiently without anxiety you will lose your guilt and fear yes even though someone dear to you may suffer you intuitively know that it is now God's responsibility, not yours you trust his in his judgment rather than your own and through that faith comes patience and patience does its perfect work through you so that you become whole lacking nothing.

Faith, Hope, and Love is what we all need. Until next time, please visit us at for the meditation exercise and to subscribe. See you all next week.e


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