Perilous World Radio 11/24/21

Hour 1 - Alan and David are joined by Mike Jones and Beau Hanson on today’s show. With Thanksgiving being tomorrow they go around and talk about what they are thankful for. They talk about how the divide in the US is bigger now than ever and you better make sure you are on the side of good and not evil. They talk about how the little voice inside our head telling us to do good things and not bad, is really the holy spirit trying to influence us to be better people.


Hour 2 - Alan, David, and Beau talk about how when you are ungrateful you feel like you got one foot stuck in feces and you don’t feel better until you come out of that mood. They go on to talk about how they are going to start farming at the Foundation’s ranch because we live in uncertain times and you need to be prepared with a backup for food and water in case you can’t go to the store and buy them. They talk about how evil uses fear and seduction, but seduction is more powerful because not everyone can be seduced but everyone can be frightened.


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