Hour 1 - Alan, David and Pat discuss how we don’t have a democracy anymore, we have a media-ocracy because the media is controlling everything. They talk about how the fight is still going on and things are going to get worse. They play some clips from Alex Jones podcast talking about how the ballots were water marked and tracked and this was a sting operation put in place by President Trump. They play a clip from a whistleblower working for the USPS saying that they had to backdate ballots. They talk about how we all need to stop watching and listening to false news and to switch over to media that is unbiased.
Hour 2 - Alan, David and Pat talk about why globalists hate President Trump and that for them to win they have to get past the great wall of America. They talk about how Oregon has become the rectum of the country. They talk about how Oregon has decriminalized all drugs. Pat thinks that if Biden wins the election that we will most likely stop hearing about the coronavirus. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at fhuvisionapp.com
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