Perilous World Radio 10/04/22

Can words kill?

David Masters and Pat Kelly host today’s Perilous World Radio show as they throw a question out there for one to ponder, can words kill?

·    Roy Masters – You are living in an altered state

·    KVI - Seattle Radio host lays out the bad news for Dems

·    Mitch McConnell and Axios reporter spar on Trump

·    What did Trump do that was so wrong?

·    Nicole Wallace - Trump is an abuser - Psycho-babbles on

·    McCaskill- ministers, especially Evangelical ministers

·    Roy Masters – Millions are going to die!

·    Ex-Witch Jenny Weaver Warns Witchcraft Expanding - infecting Christians

·    Founder Children's PA gender clinic conducts research on homeless

·    Roy Masters – Do you remember Jones town

·    Miranda with Maria Bartiromo - Biden has unleashed HELL at the border

·    Kamala Harris blames Trump -has unleashed HELL at border

David reminds everyone to use a “firewall” of the mind by using the “Be Still and Know” exercise. You can do so by visiting and subscribing.


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