Perilous World Radio 09/16/20

Hour 1 - Alan and David are joined once again by Pat Kelly. They talk about Pat’s American Revolutionary War cannon ball. They also talk about some interesting facts about The American Revolutionary War and that we are possibly in the beginning stages of another revolutionary war right now. Alan talks about how great the movie The Sound of Music is because it shows such great family values and we can learn from the movie. They play a clip from a chinese scientist saying that based on the evidence the coronavirus is a man-made virus that came from the Wuhan lab.   

Hour 2 - David and Pat talk about how the Black Lives Matter group are Marxists. They talk about how BLM members are Satanists and they are destroying Christian churches. They play a clip of the BLM founders of the Los Angeles chapter talking about summoning dead spirits. David reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at


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