Thank goodness it’s Friday! David Masters, Jan Masters, and Mike Jones take on today’s Perilous World show as they explore what is evil. Abortion is one of the greatest evils that is being exploited all over the news.
A woman’s true nature is to naturally protect life, but that has changed. Women now have embraced this “equality thing”, to be equal to men. Promiscuity without consequence is what comes to Jan’s mind regarding “abortion”. Mike says, “what happened to the preferential treatment of women?” Be careful of what you ask for and from whom. David plays a clip of an English woman saying abortion should be legal and that sometimes she wishes that she was aborted. Jan expresses that humans are born with a conscience, however, society is teaching the exact opposite. David plays a clip from an interview with Senator Cruz as he makes a statement regarding pro-life, “every human being is a precious gift from God and should be protected by law.” The trio talks about repentance and the feeling of joy knowing you’ve been forgiven.
Jan challenges the gentlemen with a question, “Where does evil come from?” Someone has suggested to Jan that God created it. David refers to the story of Lucifer who saw a glimpse of his beauty and developed pride, which was the initial separation from God. “An equal and opposite potential” is how David explains his thoughts on how God created balance. One of our Rumble Rant chatters shares a scripture, Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before your life and death, the blessing, and the curse; therefore, you shall choose. Do we choose, or does God choose? Jan answers a question from the chat room with her opinion that, “God gives us the will to participate in this amazing journey of life.” We can experience sin with the knowledge of good from evil, God is putting us through a test, and Satan doesn’t have the luxury of repentance.
As the trio closes the show, they talk about “climate change”. Jan feels the government is weaponizing the laws against the people to reduce population and to control us. Mike feels humans are capable of miraculous things and history shows it. However, he does feel that the “left” notion is to make us spend all our money, to get into a depression, so we are more focused on surviving and not fighting them.
Transcript goes here: