Perilous World Radio 07/31/20

Hour 1 - Alan and David are joined once again by Mike Jones. They talk about how Joe Biden continues to appear to not know where he is when giving speeches. They talk about how people continue to argue about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine even though there is evidence that patients who take it recover from covid. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at 

Hour 2 - Alan, David and Mike talk about how you can meditate while driving and why meditation is very important for your mental health. They talk about Facebook and Twitter being dangerous. They talk about how videos are being taken off of Youtube and social media sites if they don’t strictly adhere to the CDC guidelines. David talks about how he believes all of these huge companies like Google and Facebook need to be broken up because they are a monopoly and causing problems. 


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