Perilous World Radio 06/29/22

Jan Masters and David and Allison Masters, start the show with more debate over the Roe v. Wade ruling, and talk over Hillary Clinton’s decision to throw in her hat for the next presidency.

Do you believe one person has the power to make great change? David asks, “What difference do you make as a human being? Do you make a difference to balance the light versus the darkness?” David refers to Jesus and the power of One. Jesus broke the Devil’s control over the entire human race and said, “I am the first of many brothers and sisters.”

Case in point, David reports that Clarence Thomas, one of the most important people we’ve ever had in our Supreme Court standing up for Christianity, wants to make it easier to sue media companies for libel. Jan says that people should be accountable for lies. “When you have no risk you have no reason to do what is right, nothing holding you accountable.”

David explains that there’s a domino effect in goodness and it’s emboldening more people to do what’s right.

Jan says that she sees wins for our side every day. “If you open your eyes you will see several cases in our favor right now. The Constitution is coming back to life. And I’m going to say right now, thank you Donald Trump, because you appointed the right judges to do this.”

In archived Advice Line Radio, our heavenly co-host, Roy Masters addresses “Falling Back into Fear”. He says that when we are faced with difficulty or get comfortable in practicing our meditations and seeking the truth, we allow the darkness to get in little by little. He says that we need to be committed to the practice to find our center.”

Alison says, “when you dig deep and trust Him and seek Him, that’s when it happens and you feel that overwhelming presence of God and you’re able to see that you’re forgiven and that He loves you.”

Other topics discussed: Democratic Ballots that shouldn’t have been counted or were counted multiple times, Kari Lake, Trump aid accusation, Is Fox’s Bret Baier a double agent, Slavery and Republicans.

Find today's archived Advice Line Radio with Roy Masters (#K4500) and many years of Roy’s shows on our website


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