Alan and David Masters start off the week with good news for a 3rd win when the Supreme Court ruled that a former high school football coach had the right to pray on the field immediately after games.
Col. Tony Monaco from Patriot Outreach joins us with guest, Col. Pat Proctor, Kansas State Representative, 41st District. Proctor says the election was stolen by industrially manufacturing votes. “The technology has far outpaced our election laws,” with algorithms relentlessly targeting unregistered voters swaying them to vote democrat. He urges people to get involved with your local county Republican party and asks that patriots volunteer to be poll workers to help keep our elections fair.
Alan shames those who are still bashing Trump for taking the shot. He says that people need to do the research and take responsibility for their own actions, regardless of what Trump may have chosen to do for himself. “If we put our faith in human wisdom, we are fools. The devil is the accuser and deceiver. The only thing we can put our faith in is the power of God within us.” Despite possible mistakes Trump may have made during his presidency, Alan adds, “God bless Donald Trump for ushering in the people with a conscience to do what’s right.”
Faith is the cornerstone of our lives. Our message with our Heavenly co-host, Roy Masters today is, “Do you believe you can get well?”, on his archived radio show #K4500 found at Roy said, “there is such a thing where real faith that can make you well and gives you a light unto your feet so you can see where you are going.”
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