Perilous World Radio 06/22/22

Jan Masters joins Alan and David on the show today starting with a discussion on the dichotomy of Elon Musk; criticisms, achievements, spirituality. Is Elon being used by God despite his flaws? The group also goes into their opinions of the church’s pomp and circumstance with a concert-like setting vs. coming together to learn the word of God.


David reports that Dr. Pepper and Burger King are now showing homosexuality in their ads. He expresses that he will choose to live his life in such a way that even the brands he buys reflects his beliefs, or at least won’t support the dark side. 


Our message with our Heavenly co-host, Roy Masters today is, “You are not in control of your faculties”, on his archived radio show #K4494.


Jan discusses, “laws of the spirit”. She says that when you choose to let the darkness in you, you give it legal access.” Like inviting a vampire into your house, Jan asks how do you get it out? Alan looks at it like an evil chessboard that advances with every wrongdoing. Jan and Alan address the question of how to repent for our transgressions. It’s easier than you think if you truly want to change. Jan says that when you seek to live in God’s will the foundation is of truth.”


Alan shares his personal “stone soup” story throughout life of how he always got what he wanted. That’s until he got what he didn’t ask for, the added responsibility of taking over the Foundation of Human Understanding at the request of his father, Roy Masters. The “wants of Alan” lost, for his own good, opening his eyes to the prideful way he felt he was living. Alan explains, “It’s not about our selfish wants… that’s what the road to hell is paved with.”


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