Hour 1 - David is joined once again by Pat Kelly on today’s show. They talk about how some people are scared of freedom and that is why they still insist on wearing masks. They discuss how other country’s leaders like President Biden because they can exploit him so easily. They talk about how the World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots.
Hour 2 - David and Pat talk about how Dr. Fauci is no longer acting as a scientist, like he says, but more like a politician who changes what he says based on what is popular at the moment or what he thinks people want to hear. They talk about how President Biden has abandoned our borders and now border States are asking for help in controlling the influx of people illegally coming into the country. David reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at fhuvisionapp.com
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