Perilous World Radio 06/22/20

06/22/20 - Hour 1 - Alan and David discuss how Alan just had a birthday - he is looking back at his life and realized that we are living in one of the most perilous times he has ever witnessed.  They talk about how we all need to investigate things that we hear about and determine if they are fake news or not. Alan then talks about his father’s book Hypnotic States of Americans and how it can help people get out of that hypnotic state. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, Fhu Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at 

Hour 2 - Alan and David discuss how the left is causing some people to have white shame and how some people are telling us ways that we can make up for it to blacks - one from the CEO of Chick-Fil-A - is to shine their shoes. They talk about how many police officers are considering quitting their jobs or retiring early. They play some inspirational clips about how we need to love God and get back to our Christian values. 


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