Alan and David Masters start the show discussing the act of being willful. Alan details various ways people can project their will onto others, whether intentional or not. Alan brings up wanting to break the shell of those he comes across in life who don’t engage, and explains he has an appreciation for human connection. However, David says we need to let things happen more organically instead of wanting a person to communicate or we are in fact putting our energy and our will onto them, regardless of how we may interpret our intentions. Alan and David both have insightful views on this topic that blankets the show.
Roy Masters discusses corporate advertising and the constant manipulation surrounding us. Whether it’s through product placement in our favorite shows, lights and 50 ft screens in Times Square, emotional music in commercials, hearsay in social media, we are constantly being made to want or feel something from an outside source.
Roy continues to explain that at the underlying corp of selling anything, whether it be products or politics, it can work well because people are preconditioned to want to belong.
David says humans are exocentric, meaning we cannot exist without the outside world. He feels many people may struggle to identify and engage with people because they are overwhelmed by manipulative ways of the world. David can understand this and in this show, PWR, we need to see things for ourselves and he feels we attract those who need the same.
Alan says living in fear of the perilous world is not helpful. We need to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, which doesn’t include anger, fear, jealousy, manipulation, etc. Alan says once you are aware of what is trying to be imposed onto you, you can then see it without emotion and choose to take it or leave it.
Clips from today’s Advice Line Radio we taken from archived show #K4506.
Transcript goes here: