Perilous World Radio 04/06/22

David Masters and Beau Hanson discuss ”The Great Reset” and the 500 million human reduction plan. Not only is Covid and the toxic vaccines part of the plan, the false climate crisis, looming food shortage, teaching children about sexual and gender identity in schools, there is a wickedness that is growing so quickly in this world and we need to prepare and be on the right side. 


Fear of death is the main way they control us. David says that they want to make a world that is “more manageable”. Psychotropic drugs are used and allowed as a way to enslave our minds and keep us asleep in our addictions. We all have an addiction in some form; coffee, phones, cigarettes, wasted time in media consumption, but we all must learn to live fully awake and without those crutches. Meditate and listen to God’s will. 


David discusses and plays clips with a scientific explanation of why there is still blood on the shroud or Turin. He believes learning this information is an undeniable gift from God. We have a point of repentance, and no matter how far we’ve run from God, when we turn around, He is always right there for us. We have the right to discern and know right from wrong. We must walk in the spirit and be more concerned about the kingdom to come, the Kingdom of Christ. 


“I am the way, the truth, and the life” -John 14:6  


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