Perilous World Radio 04/05/23

Grapes of Wrath

Alan Masters, David Masters, and Jan Masters are our hosts for today’s Perilous

World Radio show. Alan shares a controversial quote “Anger is the part of you that loves you the most.”  For Alan, anger is like a parasite. Don’t let it make a home in you.

·   Righteous Anger

·   2023 Crucifixion

·   Repressing Anger

·   Battlefront Segment with Colonel Monaco

·   Democrats Throw Biggest-Ever Fundraiser for Trump

·   Roy Masters - Awareness is protection

Find the antidote for life at for the “Be Still and Know” meditation exercise. In these perilous times, we all need to stay focused, and all you need is 7 minutes.


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Call in with questions or comments M-F 10am-Noon


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