Perilous World Radio 03/28/22

Hour 1 - Alan and David are joined once again by Beau Hanson. They talk about the Oscars and Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. They talk about how everyone needs food supplies on hand because food prices are going to continue to rise. On today’s Battlefront segment we have Colonel Monaco and Dr. Dawn M. Weston and they talk about the "Don't Say Gay Bill" and how it doesn’t even have the word gay in it. They go on to talk about how schools don’t want parents to be able to say what is taught to their children.


Hour 2 - Alan, David, and Beau talk about how you are born either male or female and there isn’t anything you can do to change that. They talk about how we have defining moments in our lives that change us forever. They play clips from Roy Masters who talks about how God is not male nor female. They discuss how good cannot exist without evil.


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