Perilous World Radio 03/12/21

Hour 1 - David is joined once again by Mike Jones on today’s show. They discuss things heating up for Governor Cuomo and how people are calling for his resignation. They talk about how parents think that their children will get all of the social development they need by sending them to school and that they don’t take any responsibility for how things turn out. They talk about how some schools are confusing children by trying to get them to say that they are transgender and how that is highly inappropriate thing for the schools to be doing. 

Hour 2 - David and Mike talk discuss how some people are clamoring to get the covid vaccine while others refuse to take it. They talk about President Biden’s first live address as President and how he says that there is a chance that if we all take the vaccine that things will get better. They also talk about how there are large numbers of people who are very obedient about wearing masks, even while in their cars. David reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at


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