Perilous World Radio 02/23/21

Hour 1 - Pat Kelly is back for today’s show with Alan and David. They talk about how the left is in the process of taking away our liberties and that we have to stand up now in order to stop them. Pat says that people have the right to identify however they like, but you can’t force others to think what you are doing is right or affirm it. They discuss how a woman was fired for not taking the covid vaccine and they ask what ever happened to my body my choice? They talk about what would happen if the vaccines have harmful effects, since millions of Americans have already taken it.  

Hour 2 - On the second hour of today’s show Alan, David and Pat discuss the Georgia Guidestones and the 10 things written on them.  They talk about how President Biden was arrested when he was 21 years old for walking into the Senate chamber. Pat says that anxiety occurs when you haven’t drawn the line and that once you know what you stand for you become invincible. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at


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