Hour 1 - David is joined by Pat Kelly on today’s show. David reads several positive news headlines. They talk about all of the evil that President Biden is allowing to come into the country. Pat talks about how another person like Trump will arise and bring us out of the situation that President Biden is putting us in. They talk about how President Biden says he will disclose any health problems as they arise and that this might be their way of paving the way to get him to step down and to put Kamala in as President.
Hour 2 - David and Pat talk about how we need an existential crisis in order to make people realize how wrong things are going to be under President Biden. David talks about how the left is targeting Trump supporters. Pat talks about how Americans are rebellious by nature and we won’t stand for a communist regime. David reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at fhuvisionapp.com
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