Hour 1 - Alan and David are joined once again by Pat Kelly to talk about President Biden’s inauguration. Alan still has hope that Trump, or his legal team, can still pull something off to get him back in office. David wonders if we have just entered the end of days. Alan says that this year is a good year to start your own garden, so that way you have at least some fresh food on hand if things get bad.
Hour 2 - Alan, David, and Pat Kelly talk about how during World War 2 Jews were blamed for anything that went wrong, and how this is similar to what the left has been doing against the right. Pat says that people in this country are walking appetites and that all they are doing is looking for their next meal. Alan reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at fhuvisionapp.com
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