Perilous World Radio 01/13/21

Hour 1 - David is joined once again by Pat Kelly for today’s show. They talk about the divide between the left and the right growing. They talk about how impeaching President Trump right now is a useless gesture because he is about to be out of office and he is old enough that he most likely won’t want to run again in the future. They play a clip of PBS Counsel saying that Trump Supporters’ Children Should Be in Re-Education Camps and they talk about how this is just a glimpse of what the left wants to do to President Trump supporters.  

Hour 2 - David and Pat talk about how a poll shows that 25% of people would like to split the country into 2 parts. Pat says that even if this election wasn’t rigged it was still an unfair one because of how they treated President Trump. Pat says that the left is going to try and distract us from how bad things will get under Biden’s Presidency, but everyone will notice after 4 years of it. David reminds listeners that you can find the Sunday Conversation, this show, and more on our new app, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at


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