Emotion = Devolution

Roy Masters

When you allow yourself to become upset, you become subject to mischievous influences. Responding to conditions with undue emotions, you gradually lose sight of all reason and control over mind, body and soul, which then become governed by the stress, mood, or feeling of the moment.

Becoming more and more sensitive in the process, you are unable to change the world for good; the world changes you for the worst, and such changes cause guilt and fear.

The light of understanding may cause you to become aware of a malevolent intelligence, which can lead you only if you are upset, excited, or frightened.

Because of fear due to growing emotional sensitivity to severe pressures, delinquents and malcontents develop a ruthless need to cause others to respond emotionally to them, thus regaining a sense of courage and power they had lost, through having yielded to bigger monsters in their own lives.

Becoming a threat, they momentarily feel less threatened. In other words, they become the source of fear in others in order to minimize their own, caused by similar brutalities inflicted upon them.

They display a relative courage, a type of superiority derived by degrading others. They soon become dependent upon the anger, fear and reaction of their victims for a continued sense of worthless worth.

Let me show you a way of conquering your fears and inferiorities and affecting people for their own good, simply through not being affected by their cruel pressure. This will discourage bullies and stand as a correction to them.

"Calm patience will allow you to see clearly, speaking and acting from an emotionally undistorted view."

Patience is the ultimate defense and offence. Calm patience will allow you to see clearly, speaking and acting from an emotionally undistorted view.

Influence simply by not being influenced—discern by not judging--love by not resenting. You cause a response simply by not responding. You obtain by not coveting, and own by not seeking to possess.

You stand as evidence of what is noble by your ability to hold sway over your emotions. Others, feeling your calm observations of them as they really are, feel exposed.

Be plain-spoken with firmness, kindness and patience. Whatever you have to say, say it. Whatever you have to do, do it. Remember to “overlook,” this simply means, do not become resentful over the overt or perceived intentions of others.

Detect and observe them without being emotionally swayed or excited to judge. As long as your impulse to speak or act does not arise from anger or flattery, and you have no malice, you have every right to express yourself.

Wise men will find value in your rebuke and they will respect you. Your enemies will be exposed and disarmed.