{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Doorway To Eternity Roy Masters The worst move we can make when we are anxious and self-conscious is to do something about it. It is precisely what we do that makes us worse! Doing something implies repressing, expressing or otherwise making ourselves look and feel better than we really […]
The Whole Truth
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} The Whole Truth Roy Masters I began this book by saying that there was something about death that troubled me as a child, that it seemed somehow out of order. Of course, death is part of God’s plan, but it is not His plan that we submit to […]
Eager Beavers
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Eager Beavers Roy Masters Man, as we know him today, had an origin. Cultures and political systems have origins, too. But suppose the origins of man and of culture were both due to a fall. Then the man fallen into this system will be under its spell, its […]
Science, Religion & A Can Of Beer
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Science, Religion & A Can of Beer Roy Masters Unless man has a champion, real or unreal, he has no hope, real or unreal. If all were as it were supposed to be, we would never need champions at all. But because all is not as it should […]
Prince Charming?
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Prince Charming Roy Masters- Understanding Sexuality Occasionally, a woman comes along who seems to have been left out of Eve’s secret, who is relatively guileless, and yet manages to attract a man by the sheer beauty of her body. Starry-eyed and romantic, she sees her own ego need […]
Fantastic Pride
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Fantastic Pride Roy Masters Men, in their fantastic pride, elect all kinds of saints and gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from […]
Kiss Of Death
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3sgZWRpdG9yX25hdmlnYXRpb24gfX0=’ menuId=’main-menu’}} Kiss Of Death Roy Masters A man’s claim to “love” arises from one central need: the need to remain asleep to the Truth. He is a veritable drug addict, dependent on Eve, “the pusher,” his source of supply. When a vain woman sees his ego helplessness and his […]
Seeing Through The Layers
Seeing Through The Layers Roy Masters Born in London in 1928 of Jewish heritage, I grew up during the Second World War and knew that members of my extended family were murdered in the Holocaust. The puzzlement at how this could happen affected me from my earliest years. How could an otherwise civilized society like […]
Hypnotized By Life
Hypnotized By Life Roy Masters In 1953, about the time the Bridie Murphy publicity was at its height, I jumped on the bandwagon, left my diamond cutting business and opened the Institute of Hypnosis. Before long I realized that hypnosis was not what people needed, that hypnosis was not therapy (unless, of course, you could […]
Pressure Points
Pressure Pointing Roy Masters In order to bring about meaningful change in others, you must first discover how to make them aware of their fault and the reason behind it without bribing or intimidating them to change. You must use enough non-violent force to bring about consciousness of the error, but not enough to cause […]