Advice Line Radio 05/05/20

Hour 1 - Alan and David talk about many different protests going on in several States to reopen the states. Alan reads a law from, section 242 of title 18, about how it is illegal for someone to deny you a right or privilege that is protected by the Constitution or laws. They talk about who might step in for Biden if they decide to switch him out at the last minute. They talk about the 7 Minute Meditation and how it can help everyone right now. They talk about their new app that just launched, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at 

Hour 2 - Alan and David talk about how Costco is now not letting people in without masks and gloves on. They talk about how the media is committing slander and character assassination of the President and no one does anything about it. They talk about how some of their friends are now saying that even though they don’t like President Trump, they are going to vote for him in the next election. They talk about their new app that just launched, FHU Vision. Download the app on your smartphone and then register it at 


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