04/27/20 - Hour 1 - Alan and David have a special guest, Peter Kozodoy. Peter is the author of Honest to Greatness: How Today’s Greatest Leaders Use Brutal Honesty to Achieve Massive Success. Peter talks about being honest and how there is a pandemic going on right now from the Coronavirus, but he thinks there is an even bigger pandemic we need to worry about and that is one of dishonesty. Peter goes on to talk about term alternative facts and how this applies to how the media reports the news. Alan and David get a caller, Randy. Randy is having problems with his marriage.
Hour 2 - Alan and David talk about how they think the Country should start opening back up and that the fear of the virus is now a bigger concern than the actual virus. They play a clip from a doctor talking about how strange it is that we are quarantining the healthy versus the sick. They talk about how a drone in China tells a woman she has to put on a facemask and then talk about a drone in California told people that they had to leave and that the park they were at was closed.
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