Advice Line Radio 02/11/20

Hour 1 - David hosts the show again today while Alan is on the road. A caller that left a message asking about Roy and how he is doing. David then plays a recording from Roy to all of the listeners and Roy thanks everyone for their continuing support. Roy says he will try and speak to everyone soon. David then goes on to talk about life after death and near death experiences.

Hour 2 - David continues to talk about life after death and near death experiences. He plays some clips of people who have died and come back to life and they talk about what they experienced. David gets a call from Richard. Richard asks David some questions about dreams. 


Got Questions?

We look forward to receiving your email inquiries and questions for Advice Line Radio. Please note that if you are selected you may be recorded and the call

or message may be used on air.

Call in with questions or comments M-F 10am-Noon


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