A Symbol Of Phoniness

Roy Masters

Viewed in a certain way, a pearl is an excellent symbol of phoniness.

If the oyster were likened to a human soul, and contained the world’s most perfect pearl, recall that the pearl is a compensation to relieve the soul-oyster of the pain caused by the grain of sand around which it forms.

If the grain of sand were really a painful truth, it would be far, far better for the soul not to cover up and smooth over the grain of sand by forming a pearl around it.

In short, the pearl may be of great price, but the grain of truth it is covering and concealing is really more valuable if faced and dealt with properly rather than being covered up by even the world’s most exquisite pearl.

"Hold fast. Do not be blinded or excited by compliments, because you have discovered that excitement to pride is the root of error."

People take their cue from a feedback due to your response to them, and they depend upon your reaction for their next move and their sense of rightness. But when you do not respond, they are alarmed and disarmed.

Furthermore, they see you observing them and will feel threatened, fearful or even furious.

Although many “democratic” Americans declare that each person has a right to live his own life, they are constantly contradicting themselves. They are extremely intolerant.

They dare not let you live the right way, because egocentrically they embrace evil to keep them free from the conscience that you inwardly embrace!

They are offended by the correction you offer; it is agony to them. Hold fast. Remain calm; they may then resort to defamation or flattery.

Still hold fast. Do not be blinded or excited by compliments, because you have discovered that excitement to pride is the root of error.