Roy Masters
Here at the Foundation we are fighting to bring deeper meaning to words in order to reveal what is going on underneath.
When we do not have understanding—God’s nature with his programming and purpose for us—then we have the nature of sin. Thoughts talk to us like the serpent in the garden. Thought is the spirit of knowledge speaking through its new home in our imagination.
As long as we believe that voice is our own conscience, we will continue to fail. Following that leading leads to all manner of sexual involvements and pathetic rebellions from which the indwelling image draws life.
Pride comes into this world with an affinity for misleading words because man’s original failure came through falling for the lie of knowledge. Coming down to accept the word that promised to make him god, man was parted from true knowing and life.
A sensuous life sprang up around the words and spirit of deceit.
Truth saves you from the grip of imagination and the power of seduction. If you will not function from understanding, then by default you function from emotion and doubt. You are now coming from, and going to, the wrong place.
Stubbornly committed to the selfish life, you become afraid to understand, and your only recourse is to seek refuge in words. Words stir up images in the mind and stimulate the flesh of the selfish spirit.
Words draw the soul into a shadowy dream state where beastly alterations of its nature occur—changes which we are afraid to bring to the Light.
Pure language is the most dangerous hypnotic force in the world. But words charged with understanding can modify the impact of words and lead you away from the tangles of flesh and intrigue.
You experience the release of true meaning realized, the moment words translate back into meaning. You lose your fascination with “experts” and “education.”
"Truth saves you from the grip of imagination and the power of seduction"
It isn’t that you won’t be educated. On the contrary, understanding will become your education. The only education that has any value is the kind that brings you back to dignity.
The dehumanized products of our system of education are a sad commentary on the state of academia. Instead of drawing out their better natures, education slaps external learning on our children like a coat of veneer. Educators, far from knowing best, understand least!
The young are pressured to abandon their own commonsense unfoldment to accept the educators as models of pride.
It becomes the children’s “duty” to sin, to take their inspiration from those whores who have modeled themselves after those who have modeled themselves after others before them—all the way back to the very beginning of time and destiny when the serpent of old seduced
Adam with the first Fruit of Knowledge, re-creating the first pair in his image. Now you know what has gone wrong with you and the world. All leaders and educators, people you worship and hate, embody this spirit.
While knowledge may be transferred from one to another by the “virtue” of authority, understanding cannot. The mindless acceptance of information makes the students beholden to the source, and makes the motivator god.
The student becomes dependent on a flow of guidance from the brainwasher. The act of accepting information without understanding transfers the spirit nature of the authority to the student. The student becomes an authority over others, or a very confused and rebellious person.